- August 23, 2003 -
- August 24th Gathering Info -
The last Portland3s gathering of the summer of 2003 has happened. Many new photos will be available shortly.
(See Gathering Info/Timeline)
- Central Oregon Circle Supra/3000GT Meet -
- August 16, 2003 -
PacNW (the NorthWest Supra team)
had invited us to attend their day long cruise around Oregon. With nothing but
sunlight and many miles of roadway ahead, the team of Supras and 3s' made their
way throughout Oregon making various stops along the way to meet up with more people
or to relax and take photos. Locations on the agenda included Salem, Eugene, Florence,
Lincoln City and then back to Portland. Many photos were taken and the gathering was absolutely
breathtaking. Not to mention the jaw-on-the-floor look we got as we 10+ Japanese supercars cruised through each city. (See Supra/3000GT Meet Photos)
- July 18, 2003 -
- July 18th Gathering -
July 18th came and went as our plans to go to Nate's house, Multinomah Falls,
Shari's, Portland International Raceway and Beaverton Starbucks went underway. Starting off with an exquisite homestyle frontyard
BBQ at Nate's house, we ate and welcomed our new Portland3s recruit: Seth, from West Linn. Due to limited time, the main event
(Multinomah Falls) fell through and the cruise ended up going directly to Shari's to meet up with a few other Portland 3s' members.
After a brief photo shoot at Shari's, we continued our way into PIR. To keep the night alive, Nate represented the base 3s's for Portland 3s
and came up with some impressive times and many wins. From there we continued our night in Beaverton to display our cars among the other
Oregon nightlife.
- P3S Model Jesi Debut! -
- June 25, 2003 -
The question: where's the Portland-3S
hottie on the hood? The answer: right here. Without suffering through too long of
a wait, Portland-3s' is proud to unveil our very own stunningly beautiful Vancouver-based
car model: Jesi. How does she make her first web site debut? With Hottie on the Hood
shots along side p3s member, Shaun's, hood. The gallery includes a rather intriguing
strip-down from a skirt and shirt to a black, exotic, Victoria Secret two-piece bikini
- followed by a trip to the beach for some delicious water shots. All together, the
photo shoot process was an all day thing but in the end it paid off. Stay tuned for
future picture releases from Jesi as she gathers the energy for her next photo shoot. (See Jesi's Photo Gallery)
- June 20, 2003 -
- Portland3S.com Unveiled -
Hours upon hours, days upon days
have gone by and the Portland3S.com site is finally up for your viewing pleasure.
The original idea behind the site is to represent, promote and show the progress
of the Portland (and surrounding area) productivity with our beloved 3000GTs and
Stealths. The group consists of fun loving Mitsubishi/Dodge enthusiasts who thrive
when it comes to displaying these Japanese masterpieces. Do you own a 3S (3000GT/Stealth)?
Or are you interested in 3S's? Get in contact with us or check back to this site
often for updates on upcoming gatherings and get-togethers. From time to time you
could find us at Portland International Raceway or other locations throughout the
Portland area, showing off and working on our cars. We've got members located in
places ranging from Olympia, WA to Bend, OR and down to Eugene, OR - all coming together
to share their love for these beautiful cars.
- 2 Fast 2 Furious Gathering -
- June 6th, 2003 -
The second official Portland-3S Gathering turned out better than expected as Stealth's
and 3000GT's gathered in the heart of Portland to cruise, eat and have a movie night.
Tonight's movie? 2 Fast 2 Furious. The gathering started off by
meeting at the top floor of the Lloyd Center Mall. Once everyone had arrived, Portland-3S members
took off on a cruise to Tigard Cinemas. Grabbing some food from various fast food joints, the
crew prepared the cars for display in the Tigard Cinemas parking lot. A few more Portland-3S
members showed up at this point as the movie was about to begin. One sick Skyline, many ridiculous ricers and a hideously pink s2000 later, the Portland-3S meet continued on to Beaverton Starbucks to show off and talk cars. With "pimped" out Hondas zipping
around throughout the night, this gathering proved useful to crush some ricer pride
along with an opportunity to show who the true quality imports are. (See Photos)
- May 2nd, 2003 -
- First Official PIR Gathering -
Who would have thought that Portland-3S's
first gathering would attract enough Stealths and 3000GTs to really turn some heads
at Portland
International Raceway's
Late Night Drags? With 3S's coming down from Washington and up from various parts
throughout Oregon, this meet was worth attending in order to put faces to the names
that we've all seen on 3000GT/Stealth
Some of the people in attendance this time around was Shaun, Jon, Jesi, Ryan, Shawn,
Vitaliy, and Nate. The cars were lined up near the entrance of the main parking lot
in a way that every car entering and leaving the track would see it - along with
every car that just completed their quarter-mile runs. Beyond that, once the cameras
were finally busted out, the car talk began as everyone shared their upcoming plans
for their beasts. There's no doubt that this gathering was the precursor to many
successful meets to come in the near future. (See Photos) |